Shaping us as Humans

Sunday, December 27, 2015

So, I guess the good old saying is true - (People come and go but family is always there)...Until recently I don't think I believed it as much until now. I sit here wondering to myself, do people feel happiness when talking to me, boy and girls? What do people feel when talking to each other? Do people get a good feeling when talking to someone? 
You can't really depend on people to talk to, can you? I mean, good friends, of course but just general people or friends in your life, you can't depend on it? 
Why may you ask??? Because you get to comfortable, you get happy, you feel good, you get an adrenaline rush of talking to someone old but new again and or, actually someone new.
I enjoy good conversations with people, talking about anything and everything, maybe it is a bad thing that I enjoy it because I find myself missing the chats (them) and feeling down about it.

I can't seem to wrap my little head around this. Around, the fact that maybe we should be plain when talking to people? Be plain faced, have a plain expression and not be happy... 
Do we feel happiness when talking to someone because it is based around social media in this day and age? 
No matter how good we think a conversation with some one is going, the likes are - they don't feel the same way..the likes are - they don't feel anything when talking, maybe it is only girls who feel this way, who feel emotions (happy, good, sad) when talking to people..

Life is a strange thing, of course we are all still growing and learning (We never stop learning). Because people go in and out of our lives and family always stay, maybe there is a reason why people go in and out, maybe it is to shape how we are, who we become (In a mean way) although, it is possible that, in a way it gives us as people different experiences throughout life? 
Like the name of my blog, life is a journey. I am finding that whether it be big or small, noticeable or non noticeable situations that it all leads to making us who we are, shaping us as human beings. 
How else would we learn the ways of life? I mean, our parents can tell us that people come and go throughout life, but they can't explain or tell you how it feels to have someone stop talking to you and leave, they can't explain to you why people leave, what you did wrong, why it happens, why you feel happy when talking to someone or why it feels good to talk to someone old but new and someone new in general...

Thinking about the old days, when our parents grew up. The pain of talking to someone and having them leave wouldn't exactly exist, you know.. If someone wanted to talk to someone, they would call them and calling someone in a way,  I guess 100% proves that you 'do' actually want to talk to a certain person. You know they mean it, you know how they truly feel. Anyone can message you and there is really no way of knowing if they are really sincere about it.
Whether and old or new friend, old or new person in your life, the ones we think we know, the ones we cared for sometimes surprise us in life..

You know, maybe this is all of what happens to just me..because I care for people I alot, I get happy easily, I love talking to people and I enjoy talking to people on the phone, which I may be guilty of not doing as much but I like it when I do and probably for 2016 going to call people more :) 
From all of this, is the point to 'not care'? I don't know!

From Natalia xx 

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