You Are Unique

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

-You Are Unique -

To often we see people or friends who are trying to be someone they are not. I wouldn't blame it on what is in magazines and social media. You are your own self and because a beautiful person is presented on a cover of a magazine does not mean you have to be like them, I think truthfully that when people blame it on the magazine or other things, it's just in their mind that they have to be that way. I don't believe that a magazine, makes someone want to be who they aren't.

Yes in life, there are people who will put you down, who will be rude to you, who will tell you the truth - even if you don't want to hear it. No matter what road you are on in life, their will always be someone who try's to be some one they are not. In a way I feel sorry for the people who have become trapped in societies rules and societies way of things. YOU ARE YOUR OWN PERSON.

Don't let yourself become trapped, in what society thinks has to be done. 

Why not live your life, being your self?

Some times when thinking about people, I feel happier within myself, because I know that I have found myself, I am myself, I don't be anyone or anything I'm not. Once you take time to find yourself, whether it takes a few years or months, it is totally worth it. I knew when i found myself and since then have been much happier. 

I didn't mean for it to happen, you know. I just had someone in my life who probably was not the best thing and there was so much negativity around and I started to have time to my self, real time to myself, to think about everything and to frankly write about it. 
Once I was alone and it was just me, my journal and life. I realised what I wanted in life, I realised that I like me and that one day someone will also. I realised what I had to do with my life to release all the negativity around me, including the people. 

When people say that, you are unique and there is NO ONE in the world the same as you. Believe it, because it really is true. You just have to think about it.There will be something that you like differently to most people, something that you agree or disagree with, something you feel strongly about and something which makes you, YOU. 

Throughout high school, there were constantly people being some one they were not, whether it was to get attention or because they have not found them self. When you find your self, you find yourself not hiding anything from people. Just being yourself and completely yourself. I have found that being my self all round and being honest all the time, has really surprised me. I realised that their are people who have the same thoughts as me, who agree or disagree with the same things, people who like me and people who are similar to me. 

Of course, there are things in society that will make you try and be someone your not but you just have to stay true to yourself. If you don't like something, don't do it, if you don't want to go somewhere, don't go - even if that is what most of the society thinks is cool or the thing to do. Stay True To Yourself :) 

I really think it's a special thing, to be yourself in this world and society. It makes you, you and just think, no one is the same as you so be yourself, embrace your uniqueness and enjoy life :).

I can't say it enough, don't change yourself for someone else or people. Just imagine how boring the world would be, if everyone was the same, if everyone liked the same thing, if everyone did the same thing, if everyone wore the same thing, if everyone said the same thing. 

I know it would be a world in which I wouldn't want to live in, I wouldn't like to be around people, if everyone was the same. Where is the fun in that???? 

Thanks for reading, Comment if you have any questions.

Natalia xx

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