It feels like Summer!

Friday, August 19, 2016

You know those nights when the air feel dry, your eyes feel tired, you have hoped out of the shower and feel refreshed, you feel good, you feel happy inside, you feel content with yourself, you don't feel cold so it feels a bit like a summer's night - a night where you would be walking around in pjs that are the sort like singlets and shorts, the sort that is flowy and comfortable, something that isn't too tight that it will stick to you.
That is what tonight feels like! I don't know whether
it is because I'm not sick anymore, or that I have finally finished my period and I feel a sense of relief and joy or that it's cause I am getting a haircut tomorrow!

There is something about getting a haircut and making a change like that in your life that is refreshing and in a way powerful. It can make you feel great about yourself, life is always changing but it is up to us as humans to make that personal change for ourselves. 
There is something powerful in doing something or things for yourself and no one else.
I don't know whether I feel that way because I am single and have been for a while, but I choose to be or that I feel that way because I am simply enjoying myself and pleased with doing things for me. 
One of my life mottos which I want to live by when I am older is 'To do things for you and no one else' because why do it for someone else? What is that going to do for you personally? They may be pleased and excited and 'love' it but it isn't their body, you know.

Do You.

Cutting your hair is like stepping forward in life, it's moving forward OR it could just be as simple as a haircut for some. There are many different ways to look at it.
I haven't written in a while because I didn't really know what to write, life has been busy and good at the same time (Well apart from being sick) but I want to appreciate my friends more, I want to show them I care for them more and I want to be there more for people. I feel I have grown as a person in the last few months and it feels good - we are always growing but there are often times when you don't notice a change.
I felt inspired before but only in the sense of reading, looking on pinterest, working, trying my best at life and uni - not in writing - it was sad for me but I feel as though I am back, I feel great and today I learnt a lesson or just remembered something I think more of us could learn from.
It was me being unsure about what I was wearing which resulted in me being unsure about my new glasses (which don't get me wrong, I LOVE THEM, I just had to do me) I had to remind myself I am me and that when I get a haircut, I will probably feel strange at first but I have to do me, who cares what people think - if you are unsure about an outfit, go out, be confident in it!!

Anyways - I think that is all for tonight. 
Hope you all have a great morning, afternoon or evening!!!

Love Nat xxx

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