New Year

Saturday, January 23, 2016

New Year 

So, as the new year has begun I decided for myself to put myself out there more, to use my creativity to do different things that are in and that surround my life. I don't know about any one else, but when I am so focused on one thing aka in this case (UNI) I find myself losing my love, desire and want, to do creative things.

That is one reason why I started making YouTube videos again, it is an outlet for me to be creative and make videos, to say my opinion on the world, to do things I love and to enjoy doing it. I am also currently saving for a new camera, not because I need one but simply because I have started dreaming about taking photos and having a better camera.
I own 3 cameras, a polaroid, two digital cameras (one with wifi) and one that I thought 5 years ago when I purchased it (thinking it was a cheap DSLR) it wasn't until a few months ago when my brother said that it isn't and it is just a normal digital camera :o I could have cried.

However, the want for a DSLR has grown so big, as have my passion for photography and taking photos. I feel at home when I am out taking photos, like I am in my element. Anyways, on with what I wanted to say -- so people say New Year, New Me -- though I have seen the new year as a fresh start as a start to better myself to do more things, like YouTube and eventually possibly hopefully making more blogs purely focused on my photography.

Of course, I want to travel and see what the world has to offer but I would feel utterly sad if I traveled without the camera I want, because I want to be able to capture the places I go to, and really truly capture it, not just with a mobile phone.

Blog, I don't know whether it is because I am thinking differently now or WHAT, but I don't care how crap my phone is....I would rather have a great amazing camera and travel the world then spend money on getting the latest and greatest phone.
Our society is sooooo obsessed with the latest and greatest and yeah at one point growing up to where I am now, I probably had the greatest.. 
But like us growing older, our phones become older, more new great top of the market phones get introduced to THE WORLD and us as humans are still just growing older..
When will people reach a point in their life when they are actually truly OKAY with everything that they own?? 
Companies like Apple keep on introducing new technology and inventing new products (in a way), people idolize the company Apple, yeah they have great products, they are WAY over priced and THEY DO BREAK!! Apple doesn't pay the correct amount of taxes yet people contiune to idolize them. 
Why is it that humans idolize things, products? 

A phone is just a phone you know, YES -- you can do so much with it and sometimes it is exciting when a new feature is realised etc.
I have a Samsung galaxy 3 and it is pretty old but it does me good, it freezes sometimes and can be super slow but at the end of the day it is just a phone.

I want to be out there in the world, capturing memories, capturing the best times in our lives, capturing the world in a different way. 
So again, New Year, New Me -- I AM ME, NOT NEW -- although some of the things I want to do and try will probably be new to me and I may find new things that I love and change a little, grow a little but there is nothing wrong with it.

Technology is advancing every day, One thing I cam say I am truly grateful for is family, friends, books, my skateboard, the cameras I do have, rain, wind, sun, clouds, stars and nighttime, I am grateful for YouTube -- I was thinking the other day just how much I used YouTube to search 'how to do' something and its amazing how such an incredible site can cater for so many things but it is also different people uploading what they want, using their SKILLS and helping others out. To me YouTube is like tv sometimes, there is soo much on there and soooo much to watch but it is great, so great.

With that being said, here's to a great year with probably a few or more ups or downs but here's to trying more, to doing more to being more creative and making time to do what I love even when the world seems crazy.

From Natalia xx

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