Life is a Journey

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Life is a Journey in it self.

I think that everyone's whole life is a Journey. It never stops, never end's, it is always there but it's up to you to make it your unique journey. It's up to you to make the most of it, to do what you like and love, not what your friends want you to do, or a boy and even sometimes your parents. Life is a great thing and once you have all negativity out of life, you really can start to see how wonderful it is.

This year was my year, the year I got rid of bad friends, friends who put me down (But maybe didn't mean to), friends who tried to make me something i'm not and friends who were a negative influence, in a way which I didn't want to hang out with them, they put me down and thought they were better than every one else. Which know one is, everyone is unique and everyone does things differently but that is what makes life great, no one should be put down or feel like they shouldn't do something, just because of some one else's opinion.

Make life a great journey for yourself. I have also noticed that by getting rid of the rude and negative people in my life, I am much happier, I know who I am and i'm proud of that person I see. Some time it takes years for people to really find themselves, although everyone eventually does and when they do, it's a great thing. You should be proud of yourself, for sticking to what you believe, doing what you want, letting yourself be treated how you should be and for being you.

The greatest advice I could ever give to people out there in the big world, is to keep a journal, document your highs and your lows, your happiest and your sad moments. Keeping a journal is just like whispering to someone except a journal is listening at the same time. Writing has helped me through my happiest and my sad moments. It's good to be able to let out what you are thinking, I don't know how people can keep so much  to them self. By letting out how i felt and writing mostly everyday, I found myself, I realized that I deserve the best as does everyone else and you should never sell yourself short. I realized that I don't want a guy for once in my life, if one comes along then great but you shouldn't be searching for guys. I personally believe that to be in a happy relationship you need to find happiness yourself without a guy.

I realize this may be a lot to read and high five to anyone who read it all. I hope you find your happiness and I hope you have an amazing journey. Be back soon, N xo 

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