Life As We Know It

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Life as we learn and know it!

This title may not make sense to you at the moment but after I have written this blog post, it might make more sense :)

So we grow up, we complete 12/13 years of schooling, we take the normal classes, maths, english, home ec and physical education...and then there is the classes and subjects of our choice.
Choices that could potentially shape the way our future and career looks. A choice that is made while entering into the real world.
So, in school most of us think we know what life is, but in reality we are still learning about life and the way things work.

Coming up to your 20's, you get asked about life a lot. What are you doing? Are you working? Are you at universtiy? What are you studying? 
These questions become a common thing and at times can be quite confronting in the sense that we are all different people, all unique and not everyone is going to do the same thing.
Not everyone is going to study to become a lawyer, other people have a passion for photography....We are all different.

So, we are still learning about life and it's amazing wonders, we are seeing first hand what careers are becoming available and careers being made. Looking back 10-15 years ago, some of the jobs now wouldn't be around, some of the courses available would not be around...but TODAY - IN THIS DAY AND AGE - they are.

It is 2016.

Lately as I have been on university holidays, I realised I wanted a change of theme, a change of mind, a change of career type, A CHANGE!
I studied a associate degree in Business for a year but as I worked my butt off for a year and tried my absolute hardest, but was not getting the marks I wanted.
It led me to wondering about life and people's journeys. Not everyone is built the same. I truly believe that within people, there are half people who are born with a brain which they are more logical thinkers, they are good at maths, without judging or making a big statement, I personally feel like they are to smarts of the world.
Then there are the other half of people who are creative. Being creative is not a bad thing. If that is you embrace it!! We only life once, it is okay to try different things.

So we have one half of the world who are very smart and are not creative, then the second half who are very creative and are not smart. Don't get me wrong, everyone is smart in their own sense, but I mean smart as in understanding maths, not finding it difficult and just getting it. Same goes with economics and that kind of thing.
It is not a bad thing to be smart or creative, in the end we all make up the world and make the world what it is today. 

Think of it this way, without creative people, they may not be movies or shows to watch.
Without smart people, there may not be touch screen phones created, they may not be social media.
You know, we all make the world what it is and if everyone was smart the world would probably be a bitter place.

So, Yeah I am creative, have been my whole life and never really been good at maths. I tried my hardest in a degree of business for a year and couldn't go on any longer, I found a different course/degree that I really was interested in and actually excited for.

So, I took the plunge and applied! When I got offered a position in the course I accepted and pulled out of the other one.

I tried at a business degree, thinking that even if I didn't want to go into that career, that it would be there. But I didn't enjoy it, it was very hard, a struggle, I got stressed out so much (I know that is sometimes apart of university) however, I personally like to be interested in what I am studying, If I am passionate about what I am studying, you can see it and I generally just do better :) 
So, with that being said the course I applied for was an associate degree of Creative Writing.


I know, different right? But exciting :) I am excited and can not wait to start. I believe that if you are passionate about something it will show and you will not give up when something bad happens or you get rejected. Before applying I asked my mum for advice, and overall she said it was my decision, and it is my decision. So I applied, it felt amazing and it clicked to me that it is my life, I want to study something I love everything about and see where it takes me.
You see, I haven't yet told my dad about it because I'm a little worried about what he will say because he's always wanted me to study on campus over online..anyways, again it is my decision. 
But no matter what he says, I tried my best, I wasn't enjoying it and out of 100, 15 percent is all I would want that as my career.

If I didn't try at all, then that would be a different story. I know parents just care for you and all of that and want you to have a good life. I get that but I also feel that parents do not completely understand the world these days. I mean they were brought up to study and make a career out of what they study, the normal teacher, business person, admin, real estate....etc and that is okay, they don't know any different.

We are in our 20's, we know the amazing opportunities that are out there now and although our elders may not agree or think it may not come to something. We don't know until we try and if you are worried about your career and what you have or want to do, just breathe and take time to really think about it.

My mum has always told me that people change their career about 5 times in their lifetime and it is totally normal...
I tried childcare as a career, got my qualification and even though I love children, childcare was not for me. I tried administration for a business and finance company and got a qualification in business administration and it again, was not for me. I tried a business degree at university and it was not for me, it was to hard and I tried my hardest, that is all you can ever do in life.

Truth is, I don't feel bad for applying for something I enjoy and love doing even in my spare time :) I tried my best and I didn't succeed, but it is okay because it is our life and you have to do what you want. I mean go for it, I get where parents come from, but if it is truly a passion and makes you excited, then go for it.

Honestly, when I saw that there was a course for Creative Writing at university, I was a bit surprised but I always think that if there is a course for it in the world then it is legit and you can truly make something out of this.

I guess, you are never to old to try something new and you should while you have the chance. In a few days, it will have been 4 years since one of my best friends from year 4-7 passed away in a car accident. She was incredible and often I think she was taken away too young but it is also an opportunity to go ahead and do what you want in life. If you have the chance to, why not.
This time of year is always hard for me, I feel sad, down, I don't usually want to talk to people and I don't feel like myself most of the time.

I think when you realise your passion and what gets you excited, then go for it. It is the time to chase your dreams and goals :)
JUST DO IT!! Anywhere is a start!!

Love Natalia xx

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